ALLICYS® cholesterol is a unique ingredient obtained from water extraction of aged garlic (Allium sativum) through a proprietary and accelerated process which ameliorates both its nutritional value, thanks to production of water-soluble organosulfur compounds especially S-allyl-cysteine, and the organoleptic properties.
ALLICYS® cholesterol SAC have shown bioprotective effects against cardiovascular diseases (CVD) development:
- cholesterol and total triglycerides serum level management
- Prevent LDL oxidation
- Reduce coronary artery calcification progression and ApoB level
ALLICYS® cholesterol is available with the following standardization:
≥ 0,1% (HPLC) SAC
≥ 0,3% (HPLC) SAC
Specific standardization can be evaluated on client request.



Based on scientific evicedence, in vitro and in vivo, S-allyl-cysteine has shown to be effective in regulating lipid metabolism and containing blood cholesterol levels
Following clinical trials, the supplementation with aged garlic extract in a range between 1.2 and 3.5 mg of SAC showed an increased in HDL-C levels and a decreased in both ApoB levels, total cholesterol and oxidized LDL, with a decrease of cellular damage and prevention of atherogenesis.

Dyslipidemia consist in an increase of low-density protein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) levels and a decrease of high-density protein cholesterol (HDL-c), leading to atherosclerosis.
The major risk maker of atherogenesis is the lipoprotein Apolipoprotein B (ApoB).

ALLICYS® is obtained from water extraction of aged garlic (Aged Black Garlic), obtained from a standardized and proprietary aging process of garlic (Allium sativum) cultivated in Lombardy (flatlands of northern Italy).
The aging process typically takes weeks, during which the garlic cloves undergo a Maillard reaction and enzymatic changes. This results in a dark color, soft texture, and a unique sweet and savory flavor compared to fresh garlic.
Aged garlic is rich in antioxidants, such as S-allyl-cysteine and polyphenols, which can help combat oxidative stress in the body and play a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Aged garlic has been found easier to digest than raw garlic, which can sometimes cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Because it is a genuine garlic exclusively cultivated in Italy under FLANAT's directives
- It is GMO free
- All parts of the plant are used strictly following the Life Cycle Thinking approach